Inspired by the finest literary traditions, Penned Press offers readers the exceptional – modern fairytales for the discerning reader.

Love at First…
“Wanna dance?”
This was certainly not the introduction she’d imagined from Prince Charming.
“Beggars can’t be choosers, young lady,” she told herself, “and besides, God was awfully fast in granting this prayer. Normally He isn’t so prompt.”
Mariel sighed at his age – younger than her – and smiled, holding up her hand. Her smile vanished in an instant as the seemingly younger man swept her up into his arms in time with the music and moved her directly to the center of the dance floor with surprising skill. She immediately revised her initial assessment of his age – upping it a few years. For four minutes and thirty-six seconds neither spoke, and the divorced mother of one thoroughly enjoyed herself. With a flourish of strings, the music drew to a close and the man deftly brought their dance to a close, exactly on cue. He smiled down at her, nodded, said, “Thanks.”
And walked away.
Mariel MacEwan was firmly grounded in reality. She had no time for fairy tales or any other such nonsense. But what happened when a stranger appeared and asked her to dance? And told her that he loved her…that very same night? Mariel learned that “love at first…” was not just the stuff of dreams.

Something to Teach
Something to Teach is the unforgettable journey inside the walls of a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility with a teacher who learns that teaching on the inside is not for the faint of heart.
Despite fights in the classroom, threats of violence, and being doused with pepper spray, J.D. Lavelle just wants to teach.
What does he need?
Better students?
Just…something worth teaching.
Something to Teach is the autobiographical novel by J.D. Lavelle about his first steps – and missteps – teaching on the inside of a maximum-security juvenile correctional facility.
Love…and more
Our titles are meant to provide a brief respite from the cares of the world. A chance to escape, however briefly, to someplace new.
Each book, or collection of stories, is meant to be savored in a single sitting – morning, afternoon, or evening.
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